Everything we worked on so far
We have conducted in-depth research on Roma in State Care and Institutionalization in several countries. We are using this to bring cases against racists in domestic and international courts, and are expanding our research to more and more countries to expose the pattern of discrimination.
Promising Change: Romani Children in State Care in North Macedonia (2023)
This report details the challenges and progress made by the North Macedonian Government with regards to Romani children in state care since its launch of the National Strategy on Deinstitutionalisation 2018–2027. The report was based on research conducted by the ERRC, which includes a series of interviews with representatives of institutions, front-line service providers and NGOs, small care home staff, and foster-carers, as well as parents from families at risk, and young people who have been ‘through the system’. The report examines the progress made on deinstitutionalisation, what impact it has had on vulnerable Romani children and their families, and what kind and quality of care and support is actually available in the community.
In Time of War: Romani Children in State Care in Ukraine (2023)
This report details problems in the Ukrainian state care system for Romani children, both before and after the full-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation in February 2022. The research was based on research conducted by the ERRC which includes a series of interviews with Romani families, civil society activists, and representatives of children’s services, as well as high-ranking officials.
The report reveals the stall in progress on deinstitutionalisation before the outbreak of war, as well as how dangerous institutionalisation of the state care system can be for Roma in the event of war. In the long term, the report recommends Ukraine to collect ethnically disaggregated data to develop effective inclusion policies for Roma. More immediate recommendations include providing humanitarian aid, equipping state care institutions with bomb shelters, and ensuring the safety and well-being of Romani children who may be separated from their parents and placed in institutional state care.
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Blighted Lives: Romani Children in State Care (2021)
This research covers four EU Member States: Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Romania, and Slovakia, as well as neighbouring Moldova. It shows that across the surveyed countries, and despite denials concerning ethnically disaggregated data, the evidence leaves little doubt that a disproportionate number of Romani children still end up in institutionalised state care. Simultaneously the ERRC is concerned about a lack of progress on meaningful deinstitutionalisation in these countries, which goes beyond closing of children’s homes and includes community and family-based care solutions.
A Preliminary Account of Child Protection Practice With Romani and Traveller Children in England (2018)
Child protection services in England work hard to prevent abuse and to stop it quickly when it happens. The harmful risks to children and young people that child protection professionals in England seek to address include sexual exploitation, forced marriage, domestic abuse, physical abuse, neglect, emotional abuse, female genital mutilation, online abuse, bullying and trafficking.To assist child protection professionals in their duty to protect children from these risks, there has been a steady accumulation of robust scientific findings on the long-term effects of maltreatment, making the establishment of a coherent evidence base that can be used to guide, steer and inform the decisions that are made.
Cause of Action: Families Life Denied Overrepresentation of Romani Children in State Care in Serbia (2017)
Romani children in Serbia are being removed from their families at an alarming rate. The ERRC carried out in-depth research on the situation. We found there are disproportionate numbers of Romani children in foster care – a third of children in care in Belgrade come from Romani families, for example, yet Roma make up less than two per cent of the city’s population. Although Serbia is closing down its institutions for residential care, Romani children are overrepresented there as well. And once Romani children are removed from their families, it’s rare that they return.
Cause of Action: Families Divided Romani and Egyptian Children in Albanian Institutions (2017)
There’s a high percentage of Romani and Egyptian children in children’s homes in Albania.These children are often put into institutions because of poverty, and then find it impossible ever to return to their families. Because of centuries of discrimination Roma and Egyptians in Albania are less likely to live in adequate housing, less likely to be employed and more likely to feel the effects of extreme poverty. As a result, authorities may take children into care - some parents even ask for this, as they can’t support their family. But under human rights law, poverty shouldn’t be a reason to deny children their right to family life.
Cause of Action: Romani Children in State Care in Nógrád County, Hungary (2017)
Six years ago, the ERRC conducted extensive research exposing discrimination in the State care systems in various countries in Europe. Romani kids are disproportionately likely to end up being taken away from their families and are grossly over-represented among foster children and other children in care. The Chance for Children Public Benefit Association (Gyerekesély Közhasznú Egyesület) in Hungary conducted a study for the ERRC of children in Nógrád County who have been removed from the care of their families and are in the public care system. This is a summary of their report.
Life Sentence: Romani Children in Institutional Care (2011)
This study explores the representation and human rights situation of Romani children in institutional care in Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Hungary, Italy, Romania and Slovakia....
Life Sentence: Romani Children in State Care in Romania (2011)
Despite indications that Romani children are over-represented in the Romanian social welfare system, the particular situation of Romani children in State care institutions has not been properly documented so far...
Life Sentence: Romani Children in State Care in Hungary (2011)
According to ERRC research on the situation of Romani children in the Hungarian child protection system in 2007, Romani children were over-represented in children’s homes: 58% of the children interviewed...
Dis-Interest of the Child: Romani Children in the Hungarian Child Protection System (2007)
According to statistics published by the Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, in 2005, 17,456 children below the age of 18 were in state care...